If you were going off of its E3 presentation this year, you’d hardly know that Sony has services and initiatives like PlayStation Vue, PlayStation Classics, and PlayStation Now, but they’re still alive and kicking. PlayStation Now, Sony’s game-streaming service, is getting a nice bump this week in the form of its very first PlayStation 4 games.
The games are currently only playable on PlayStation 4 and Windows PC, and the list is pretty limited, including a few big games, some remakes, and a few indie titles.
- Killzone Shadow Fall
- God of War 3 Remastered
- Saints Row IV: Re-Elected
- WWE 2K16
- Tropico 5
- Ultra Street Fighter IV
- F1 2015
- Darksiders II Deathinitive Edition
- Evolve
- MX vs ATV Supercross Encore
- Resogun
- Helldivers
- Broken Age
- Dead Nation: Apocalypse Edition
- Grim Fandango Remastered
- Akiba’s Beat
- Castlestorm Definitive Edition
- Exist Archive: The Other Side of the Sky
- Nidhogg
- Super Mega Baseball
They’re not exactly headliner exclusives, but I wouldn’t expect to see Uncharted 4 or any of the system’s other big titles for a while yet.
PlayStation still has a long way to go
Game streaming still has a way to go thanks to ISP transfer caps and gameplay lag. I’m personally a fan of Microsoft’s take, which has you download the game play it locally on the Xbox Game Pass.
PlayStation Now streams the game off Sony’s servers, meaning that the amount of data you use isn’t based on what game you play, but how long you play it for. The benefit of PlayStation Now, though, is that you don’t need a PlayStation to play these games. The same way that Microsoft is weakening the console barrier with the Xbox Play Anywhere program, Sony is doing so in its own way with PlayStation Now.