Netflix has made its way into more homes than ever, but it has some company coming along for the ride as well.
According to a recently released study from Nielsen, nearly 40 percent of American homes now subscribe to at least one streaming video service. The study was conducted in November of last year, and at that time 36 percent of the total respondents were Netflix subscribers. This was followed by 13 percent saying they subscribe to Amazon Prime Instant Video and 6.5 percent having a subscription to Hulu Plus. As for overlap, only 10 percent of households with streaming said they subscribe to two services, and only 2.6 percent said they subscribe to three.
While this is fantastic news for these services, what may not be such good news is how much time these households spend in front of the TV. Those households with subscriptions to streaming services tend to spend 2 hours 45 minutes a day watching television, while homes without one of these services tend to only watch 1 hour and 57 minutes.
Now we know what happens when we all say “oh, one more episode won’t hurt.”
All of this time watching streaming services is indeed putting a hurt on traditional television. During the third and fourth quarters of 2014, traditional television viewing declined by nearly 10 percent. That time does not include time spent watching a service such as Netflix.
It appears streaming media is picking up a lot of steam, while viewers are spending a lot more time on their couch.