Call of Duty Black Ops II update hints at sequel

Call of Duty Black Ops II update hints at sequel

Call of Duty: Black Ops II, released in November of 2012, received an update recently, adding new images to multiplayer levels. The images, appearing in the form of the decorative posters that help make the levels feel a bit more believable, began to feature images of the Snapchat ghost. These are actually SnapChat’s proprietary version of QR codes, and scanning them causes a Call of Duty Snapchat account to be added to your friends list.

So far, a short video with a bit of a hypnosis vibe to it has been revealed in a few small pieces, which gamers have made available via Twitter.

In the Call of Duty schedule, Treyarch is set to release a game in 2015, and Black Opsgames have been their thing, so a sequel or new story in the Black Ops world seems likely.