Steam hit a new landmark this Sunday, crossing 14 million concurrent users for the first time in its existence. It peaked at 14.2 million gamers shortly after the wrap up of the annual winter sale. Plenty of excess purchases needed to be played, I’m sure.

At the time of the peak, Dota 2 was the most played game with 951,942 users followed by Counter-Strike: Global Offensive at 675,195 and Grand Theft Auto V at 116,230 users.

Rest assured that Steam is bigger than ever, and with the massive number of excess games bought through the Steam sale, many people want to be playing them on the weekend.

However, I’m also going to give Mother Nature a little nod for helping this record be set. This past weekend, a powerful snowstorm slammed into the east coast of America, leaving 73 million people digging themselves out of snow drifts. Since nobody wants to deal with that on a Sunday, it’s easy to say that a good many people would rather stay inside and enjoy a nice video game instead.

Stardew Valley, anyone? I miss the spring already.